Install your theme

To install your theme, follow the steps below, which are also included in the Documentation Guide PDF you received as part of your file download.

1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.

2. Click on the box to Add New Theme.

3. At the top of the screen, look for the button to upload theme.

4. This will prompt you to upload your zip file, which you received in your purchase receipt email.

In your purchase receipt, our theme .zip files are named after each theme, with the version number — for example, "Hayes Theme v.1.1.0."

5. Choose your file from your computer, and select open, then click Install Now.

Didn't receive a .zip file with your purchase receipt? Read this article.

6. Wait for the confirmation screen, then click Activate to enable your theme!

You can now head to Appearance > Customize to begin customizing your theme and making it your own!