I didn’t receive .zip files with my purchase. How do I install?
If you downloaded your themes and plugins using the Safari browser, it automatically unzips the files for you, and it will seem like you didn't receive a packaged .zip file. Here are a few options for accessing your product .zip files:
1. Re-download in a different browser.
We recommend Google Chrome, but any browser other than Safari should work. You may access your download files any time from the My Account link at the top of our shop website, or by navigating directly to empressthemes.com/account. When you login, you will see a menu of tabs which allow you to explore your account features, past purchases, etc.
Click on the Downloads tab to view a list of all your purchases. Then, simply click the .zip file name you're trying to download.As long as you are not using Safari, these will download as zip files that you can then install in WordPress.
2. Zip the files on your computer.
Since you’re using Safari, we assume you’re on a Mac computer. You can easily zip the files back up yourself on a Mac. However, please note some customers have reported issues with re-zipping their files on a Mac, so we typically recommend using the first troubleshooting option in this article.
To re-zip a file on a Mac:
First, open a new Finder window and find your downloaded files.
Next, right-click on the folder and choose Compress. If you don’t have right-click functionality enabled on your mouse, you can click on the folder, then go to File > Compress in the top left menu. Your files should now be re-zipped!