Create a new page

Pages are an easy way to feature static content, such as a information about you, your site, FAQs, or even integrate affiliate widgets. You can also use them to create lists of links, such as for a Press page, or a list of your favorite blogs.

This Help Desk article will discuss the basics of how to create a new page in WordPress.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: In WordPress, a Page is not the same as a Category. We find it's common for new WordPress users to refer to the word "Page" when they actually mean a "category" or "archive." 
    • If you want to add a link to a menu that will return all posts from a particular vertical—say, fashion, or beauty—you must create categories and add those to your menu. Adding a page will simply link to a static information page. For help on creating categories, click here. For help more info on posts vs. pages, click here.

Need more help with pages?


1. In your WordPress dashboard, hover over the Pages tab.

2. Click on Add New.

3. Add a page title in the top field, and enter your content in the page editor.

4. Click Publish. That’s it! Your page is now live on your blog. Be sure to add it to the menu you wish to feature it in so that it will appear on your site. You can do this in your theme Customizer by going to Appearance > Customizer, or by going to Appearance > Menus.

Here is a short video showing you the above steps: