Using Two-Column Layouts on Pages

Many EmPress themes offer the ability to create a side by side, or two-column layout on pages, with an image on the left and content on the right. If you choose to use this feature, it will not format with a sidebar, due to space limitations. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Themes that offer two-column page layout functionality include:

  • Miramar
  • Presidio
  • Rania
  • Pearl
  • Hayes

Creating a two-column layout on a page

For a two-column layout in the Hayes and Pearl themes:
  • To create this layout, use any page template (either Default or Full Width), and add a featured image to the page. 

For a two-column layout in the Rania and Presidio themes:
  • To create this layout, use the Full Width template, and add a featured image to the page. 

For a two-column layout in the Miramar theme:
  • To create this layout, use the Default Page template, and add a featured image to the page. 

In the  Archer and Brevier themes, there is no option for a two-column layout. In the Archer theme, featured images assigned to these themes' information pages will appear at the top of the page. In the Brevier theme, featured images do not attach to page content or layouts at all.

Need help with adding featured images?

Instructions for adding featured images can be found hereNOTE: this Help Desk article discusses featured images on posts, but the process is the same for pages, too.

With your featured image applied, your page will now format with featured image on the left, and content on the right.