What are the hex codes of the EmPress color packs?

EmPress Color Packs are packaged with a preset combination of colors. Use the screenshots below to find the ID number of your favorite color scheme. Then, below, we’ve listed corresponding hex codes for each.

1 Color Pack Hex Codes

1A: #b8b8b8

1B: #aca7a1

1C: #666666

1D: #cacacc

1E: #eae7e2

1F: #f1beab

1G: #dc9c93

1H: #e16e8d

1I: #fdaea9

1J: #f7e8e5

1K: #f7e8e5

1L: #555c6e

1M: #0d3652

1N: #3d414c

1O: #70788d

1P: #aab7bd

1Q: #c5d2da

1R: #ccd3db

1S: #b5a9b3

1T: #b5a9b3

2 Color Pack Hex Codes

2A: #cac4c4 / #b8b8b8

2B: #cec7bf / #aca7a1

2C: #bfbfbf / #666666

2D: #ededed / #cacacc

2E: #ece6e6 / #eae7e2

2F: #d8b4a8 / #f1beab

2G: #dac7c3 / #dc9c93

2H: #e59aaf / #e16e8d

2I: #f8c6cf / #fdaea9

2J: #ecd0c4 / #f7e8e5

2K: #f5ece7 / #fdc7c7

2L: #b3c0c9 / #555c6e

2M: #b9c2cb / #0d3652

2N: #4b5c7a / #3d414c

2O: #abbbd4 / #70788d

2P: #d4e3e8 / #aab7bd

2Q: #e8f2fb / #c5d2da

2R: #eef5fb / #ccd3db

2S: #ddc2d1 / #b5a9b3

2T: #466053 / #0d2d1e