Theme Menu Locations Guide
In all of our themes, you can edit your menus by going to Appearance > Customize > Menus, or by navigation to Appearance > Menus from the WordPress dashboard. Within either Menus environment, you can create and edit multiple menus for your blog in various locations. Below are what/where each menu location corresponds to, based on your theme:
*indicates menu(s) displayed on the mobile version of your site
- Top Right: correlates to the menu on the top right corner of the site. May include the Feature Tab.
- Top Left: correlates to the menu on the top right corner of the site. Available only in Stacked (Center) and Inline header layouts.
- Primary: correlates to the menu under your logo (centered, or left aligned), or inline with it. View Header Options.
- Scroll: Correlates to the "sticky" menu that anchors to the top of the screen as a reader moves down page. Must be enabled to appear. Enable under the Header Options tab.
- *Mobile: Correlates to the menu available on mobile. Use if you wish to create a completely separate menu for mobile, versus using your default Primary menu.
- Feature Tab Submenu: when activated, controls the dropdown menu under the Feature Tab.
- Footer: Correlates to the small footer menu, centered at the bottom of the page.
Good to know:
- The Top Right, Primary, and Feature Tab menus all support dropdown functionality. Within the Top Right and Primary menu locations, you can create a nested dropdown menu within any items listed in these menus. Follow our tutorial here (beginning with step 6) to create a dropdown menu.
- The Feature Tab may be added to the Top Right or Primary menu only.
- Top Left: correlates to the menu on the top left corner of the site.
- Top Right: correlates to the menu on the top right corner of the site. May include the Feature Tab.
- Primary: correlates to the menu under your logo, or inline with it if you opt to position your logo to the left of the header area.
- Scroll: Correlates to the "sticky" menu that anchors to the top of the screen as a reader moves down page. Must be enabled to appear. Enable under the Header Options tab.
- *Mobile: Correlates to the menu available on mobile. Use if you wish to create a completely separate menu for mobile, versus using your default Primary menu.
- Feature Tab Submenu: when activated, controls the dropdown menu under the Feature Tab.
- Featured Links: Correlates to the set of buttons/links that appear under the Featured Post, when enabled. Turn Featured Links on by going to Blog Feed Options > Featured/Latest Post > Featured Links, then toggle Enable Featured Links to the On position.
- Footer Right: Correlates to the right footer area. Items added here will appear to the right of the footer logo, when enabled.
Good to know:
- The Top Left, Top Right, Primary, and Feature Tab menus all support dropdown functionality. Within the Top Left, Top Right, and Primary menu locations, you can create a nested dropdown menu within any items listed in these menus. Follow our tutorial here (beginning with step 6) to create a dropdown menu.
- Top Left and Top Right menus run independently of one another, so you can choose to use one or both.
- The Feature Tab may be added to the Top Right or Primary menu only.
- Top Left: correlates to the menu on the top left corner of the site, atop the default blush background.
- Top Right: correlates to the menu on the top right corner of the site, atop the default blush background. May include the Feature Tab.
- Primary: correlates to the menu under your logo, or inline with it if you opt to position your logo to the left of the header area.
- Scroll: Correlates to the "sticky" menu that anchors to the top of the screen as a reader moves down page. Must be enabled to appear.
- *Mobile: Allows you to create a custom mobile navigation menu, specifically for mobile device readers.
- Footer: correlates to the inline list of links at the very bottom of the theme, underneath the Footer widget area. The Footer menu is not the same as the Footer Widget area.
Good to know:
- The Top Left, Top Right, and the Primary menus all support dropdown functionality. You can create a nested dropdown menu within any items listed in these menus. Follow our tutorial here (beginning with step 6) to create a dropdown menu.
- Top Left and Top Right menus run independently of one another, so you can choose to use one or both.
- The Feature Tab may be added to the Top Right or Primary menu only.
- *Top Left: correlates to the menu on the top left corner of the site, atop the black background.
- *Top Right: correlates to the menu on the top right corner of the site, atop the black background.
- *Primary: correlates to the menu under your logo.
- Footer: correlates to the inline list of links at the very bottom of the theme, underneath the Footer widget area.
Good to know:
- The Top Left, Top Right, and the Primary menus all support dropdown functionality. You can create a nested dropdown menu within any items listed in these menus. Follow our tutorial here (beginning with step 6) to create a dropdown menu.
- Top Left and Top Right menus run independently of one another, so you can choose to use one or both.
- *Top: menu in the top left of the screen, above the logo (if header layout features centered logo).
- *Primary: menu below the logo (if header layout features centered logo), or inline with the logo (if logo is left aligned).
- Footer: menu beneath the widget footer area (if using), at the bottom of the page.
- *Top: menu in the top left of the screen, above the logo
- *Primary: menu beneath the logo
- Footer: menu beneath the Instagram feed (if using), at the bottom of the page
- Top: not available in theme
- *Primary: menu above the logo, on the default black background
- Footer: menu beneath the Instagram feed (if using), at the bottom of the page
- *Top: menu in the top left of the screen, above the logo
- *Primary: menu to the left of your content, which scrolls with the user as they move down the page
- Footer: three column menu near the bottom of the page, beneath your Footer logo and above the Instagram feed (if using)
If you already have menus in place, you can simply change their assigned menu location, and your existing menu will appear in that location!
*indicates menu(s) displayed on the mobile version of your site