How to set up your email subscription pages

If you've used the demo content, you should have those pages already created. Those will be the subscribe and thanks pages. 

But if you need to create new pages, here's how you'll do it. we'll go to pages and then add new page. 

And within the choose a pattern pop-up, there are a couple options for your subscription page. You can either use the full width option or you can use the two column option. 

Before we add the form code, let's go ahead and make a thank you page. We're going to set it up so that the thank you page is what your subscribers see after they subscribe. So we'll add a new page and choose the subscribe thank you page. 

And here you can write whatever a short message thanking the user for subscribing. And we want to switch the page layout to page no title. Now the reason that we want to use the page no title instead of the page blank for this particular page is we want to give your readers something else to click through I your site after they've subscribed. So on the subscribe page we want their focus totally on subscribing. But once they get to the thank you page they've done what you wanted them to do and subscribe to your email list. Now we want to give them more options for staying on your website. 

You can go to page attributes, select the subscribe as the parent, and then you can customize this to whatever call to action you want to give to your subscribers. By default this is page template shows the latest posts so they can easily go back and check out any of your latest posts. And there's also a back to home button as well. But you can go into the patterns and browse any of those patterns and look for a call to action that matches what you'd like your readers to do next. 

One thing you'll want to pay attention to with your thank you page is the URL for your thank you page. So here since I nested it under subscribe as the parent that's URL is going to be your URL slash subscribe slash thanks. Make sure that you have that URL on hand so that when you're setting up your email form in your email list provider you can set up the settings so that it redirects your subscribers to the thank you page on your website.