Blog Feed Tab

  • This article is relevant for Rania, Presidio, Miramar, Brevier, and Archer theme users. For help with setting up the Blog Feed Options in the Barton, Pearl or Hayes theme, please click here.


In the Rania, Presidio, Miramar, Brevier, and Archer themes, the Blog Feed tab gives you control over various feed settings on your Home Page. You can use this tab to:

  • Select a general sidebar layout (left, right, or no sidebar at all)
  • Hide/show post categories and post dates within your Blog Feed
  • Edit settings related to excerpts, those short snippet summaries of your blog posts which appear on the Home Page and Archival pages
  • Hide/show post entry footer details, if applicable (such as comment counts, and social media sharing icons)
  • Edit the Post Navigation

This article will explain these settings in greater detail.


This setting appears in Rania, Presidio, and Brevier.

The Global Layout setting allows you to choose a general layout option for the bulk of your feed — specifically, if you would like the feed sidebar to appear on the right, left, or with no sidebar at all. Click the thumbnail drawing that corresponds with your preferred layout.


This setting appears in the Rania theme only.

The Blog Feed Title is optional, and appears on the Home Page only. It refers to the large title that leads off the main blog post feed, underneath the optional Featured Posts and Featured Interstitial. In this demo, it corresponds to the "Latest Posts" title:


Entry meta refers to the small post details such as the post date, post category, and in some instances, the post comment link or post (social media) sharing buttons. You can toggle the radio buttons on and off to set whether each setting should be shown or hidden.

Other settings that may be included in your theme's Entry Meta options are:

  • Adding a Twitter user name, if you have enabled share buttons (this is so when users click to share your post to Twitter, you will be tagged in the share)
  • In Archer: Select an icon to lead off your posts. This is optional, and is simply meant to provide additional design elements, if you'd like them.


In the Brevier and Archer themes, this setting appears along with the title "FEATURED IMAGE AND EXCERPT."

Excerpts refer to those short snippet summaries of your blog posts which appear on the Home Page, under the post title. Within the Excerpts settings, you may choose the automatic excerpt length (the set number of words that will print before the summary cuts off), along with the read more text (the call to action encouraging readers to click to view the rest of the posts). 

Conversely, some themes offer a setting for automatic excerpt with featured image and full content with read more tag. Descriptions for all these settings are below:

  • Some themes provide a setting for automatic excerpt with featured image. If selected, your excerpts will automatically cut off after a set number of words, and will be featured alongside or beneath the post featured image.
  • Similarly, some themes provide the option to display Full Content with read more tag. If selected, the full contents of your post will publish in the main Home Page blog feed, unless you use "read more" tags directly within your posts to set where the cutoff point should be.
  • For the automatic excerpt length field, type in a numerical into the corresponding field. For example, 20 would mean the excerpt cuts off at 20 words.
  • For the Read More Text field, type in your preferred call to action link. A great example is "View the Post" or "Read More."

Notes for specific themes:

  • In the Brevier theme, the Featured Image and Excerpt section provides an option to hide the featured image. Choose this option if you are featuring the full contents of your blog posts, and wish to lead with the image of your choice, not necessarily the featured image.
  • Similarly, in the Archer theme, you may opt to hide the featured image in the post feed as well.

Want to learn more about excerpts and the More! tag? Check out this Help Desk article.


This setting appears in the Presidio theme only.

Presidio's Home Page layouts includes many post meta details in the footer, instead of at the top of the post. Use this section to show/hide your comment count link, social media share icons, and input your Twitter username for Twitter shares.


The Post (sometimes called Page) Navigation refers to the "older" and "newer" post buttons that terminate your last feed. They allow users to navigate backwards or forwards to access additional posts. Use the fields to change the labels of these buttons, if you choose. If you want to keep them straightforward, simply type in "Older Posts" and "Newer Posts."