ISSUE: Presidio Sidebars are not displaying

If your sidebars in Presidio are not displaying, there are a few areas to troubleshoot:

1. Do you have enough posts published?

First, please check how many posts are published to your site. Is it less than 3? If so, this is the reason why the sidebar (and maybe interstitials) won't show on your Home Page. In the Presidio theme, elements like the second and third sidebar are hooked into the number of posts in the blog feed on the Home Page, so until you have enough posts (specifically, 3!), those features won't show up.

  • Quick solve: If you would like to customize your theme and add items to the sidebar, we recommend publishing a few test posts, just to flesh out your blog's home page. With your test/dummy posts live, you can work through the Customizer tabs, set up all your sidebars and interstitials, AND preview them. After that, simply delete the test posts, and begin publishing your blog posts. Once you've published three blog posts, the features will populate and the theme can work as intended. If you would like to publish test posts without anyone seeing them, we recommend turning on a Coming Soon page.

2. Are your Reading settings set to show enough posts?

Sidebars and interstitials display relative to the number of posts you've published on your site. If you just started blogging, you'll need to set your posts per page (under Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most _ posts) to match the number of posts you have published, or less. 

  • Explanation: Since Presidio has interstitial functionality, it has to check the number of posts per page before adding the sidebar. So if your posts per page number is set to 10 but you only have 3 posts published, it will never publish the sidebar on the home page. You can set it at 3 temporarily, then once you've published more posts, you can update that number, as long as it stays less than or equal to the number of posts you've published.
  • Quick Solve: Navigate to Settings > Reading and change the Blog pages show at most _ posts to match the number of posts you have published, or a number LESS than the number of posts you have published.
  • If you have already published more than 3 posts, and the reading settings are set up correctly, but you are still encountering the issue, just hit reply and let us know and we can continue troubleshooting!